Our school tuckshop is an integral part of our school community. We aim to provide a quality food service which compliments classroom programs on food, nutrition and health whilst supporting the social and cultural aspects of our community.
Our tuckshop is a small business operated by the school P&C Association and we strive to achieve an efficient and ethical enterprise demonstrating high standard of hygiene and food safety. Any profits made from our Tuckshop sales are put straight back into the school community to improve educational outcomes for our students.
Tuckshop service
The menu
Our Tuckshop menu is designed to meet the required Smart Choices - Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools at a reasonable cost to families.
Tuckshop menu (PDF, 176KB)
Hours for operation
Tuckshop lunch orders are available every Wednesday during both breaks. Lunch orders must be placed in the classroom by 9am.
A variety of food items, fruit, snacks, drinks and ice-blocks are also available over the counter during both of our break times.
Our staff
In order to provide the best service we can, we rely on the generosity of our volunteers. Without people like
you we would not be able to provide this valuable service to the community.
Volunteers are stay at home parents, part-time workers, people between jobs, people on RDO/holidays from their regular day job, retired grandparents and much more! You can help out once a term or for an entire term.
Check out the shift available by contacting our Tuckshop convenors – All training (and coffee) is provided.
As an added bonus, your child will be proud to tell their friends that their loved one (that's you!) works in the Tuckshop – they love it!
Happy ordering
Tuckshop Convenors