The Parents and Citizens' Association is a group of community minded people, parents and citizens, who take on a more formal role to assist the school in providing:
Feedback on school policies and activities
Additional resources to be used to enhance student learning
Parents with opportunities to be involved in their child's education
Operating a Tuckshop and Uniform Shop.
The P&C is designed to work with the school community in a productive partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for students.
Joining the P&C is one of the best ways to show your children how much you value their education and how interested you are in what they do. By joining the P&C, you are showing your children how committed you are to helping students and your school community. Participating in P&C activities can also help you to form friendships with other parents and carers and feel a part of your school community.
Are you interested in contributing your thoughts on school policy?
Do you have a spare hour or two when you can help out in the tuckshop, bookshop or uniform shop?
Can you find two hours once a month to attend a P&C meeting?
These are all ways you can be part of your school's P&C. The things you do make a real difference.
P&C General Meeting Schedule
P & C meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 5:30pm in the Learning Hub at the front of the school.
It is always good to welcome new members, so if you were thinking of joining in we would love to see you at the next meeting.